Daniel Rico, MFT Trainee
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, and French
I am currently attending the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University. I am completing my Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. I am a Los Angeles native, Navy veteran and bi-lingual in Spanish an English. I take a Symbolic-Experiential approach to therapy. I believe in the importance of shaping meaning between family members. I also believe that experience changes families, not necessarily education. And I focus on the family’s emotional system in the present moment rather than the past. “Life isn’t mind over matter, it’s the present over the past and present over the future” – Carl Whitaker, M.D. I hope our path in therapy is towards well-being, compassion, self-esteem, self-responsibility, and a safe space to explore and express your emotions.

301 N. Prairie Avenue, Suite 510
Inglewood, CA 90301
Administration: (310) 258-9737
Fax: (310) 258-9650
©2021 Open Paths Counseling Center. All Rights Reserved.
For questions or support with your therapy services, please call (310)258-9677 or email inquiry@openpaths.org
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