Open Paths Now Offers EMDR
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (Drop Down Box)
Everyone struggles at some point in their life. Most of us will experience depression, anxiety, trauma, anger, grief or loneliness, for a variety of reasons. Open Paths’ highly-trained, diverse clinical team is here to help you through these times by providing compassionate, culturally-affirming counseling. Most of our services are offered in Spanish and English. While all of our therapists have LGBTQ+ affirmative training, some have additional specialization in working with LGBTQ+ and/or QTPOC identified clients.
Open Paths Counseling Center is a nonprofit agency that exists to
serve Los Angeles residents who have historically been unable to
access counseling due to financial, geographic and/or cultural barriers. In order to ensure the affordability of our services, fees are set using a sliding scale based on family/household income.
To request Counseling Services, please click here.
Intimate Partner Abuse (DV)
Another way seeks to eliminate intimate partner abuse and violence by directly addressing its causes through group, individual and (when safe), couples and family counseling. Our approach is to work with clients, both those who cause harm, and those who have been harmed, to explore, understand, and process past traumas and learn healthy communication and relationship skills.
For those who are or have caused harm, the process also includes fostering personal responsibility and accountability for one’s own actions. Through psychoeducation, our therapists teach strategies to identify, manage and de-escalate strong emotions. Clients are then provided with the necessary tools to understand and engage in healthy relationships and stop causing harm to their partners, thus ending cycles of abuse and violence.
To request Counseling Services, please click here.

Fire Support Group
Download the Fire Support Group Flyer (in English and Spanish)
Beginning Mon, Feb 3, Open Paths launches a 12-week trauma-informed, culturally-affirming space for community members to process experiences, learn coping strategies, and support each other through grief, stress, and rebuilding related to L.A.’s wildfires. Four sessions a week will be made available to LA residents free of charge – two in English and two in Spanish
No commitment is required – drop in on one session or all. Each session – conducted via Zoom – will be facilitated by a therapist but guided by the needs of those present. To receive the Zoom link – registration is not required to attend – visit www.openpathsla.org
Meetings in English. A Zoom link is embedded in each listed time slot:
Tuesdays 9-10:30am
Thursdays 6-7:30pm
Grupos en español:
Lunes 12-1:30pm
Martes 8:30-10am
NOTE: The Fire Support Group is a way of healing in community but is NOT therapy. If you are interested in therapy, please contact Open Paths directly via phone ((310) 258-9677) or by visiting our website.
En un espacio sensible culturalmente y especializado en trauma, donde juntos, trabajaremos para procesar las experiencias adversas, y aprender estrategias de superación, mientras nos apoyamos mutuamente durante el duelo, el estrés y la reconstrucción.
El Grupo de Apoyo para Incendios comienza el lunes 3 de febrero y dura 12 semanas. No se requiere compromiso – puede asistir a una sesión o a todas.
Cada sesión – realizada a través de Zoom – será facilitada por un terapeuta pero guiada por las necesidades de los presentes. Para recibir el enlace de Zoom – no se requiere inscripción para asistir – visite www.openpathsla.org
Grupos en español:
Lunes 12-1:30pm
Martes 8:30-10am
El Grupo de Apoyo para Incendios es una forma de sanar en comunidad pero NO es terapia. Si está interesado en terapia, comuníquese directamente con Open Paths por teléfono o visitando nuestro sitio web.

Open Paths offers a variety of support, psychoeducational and process groups. Most of our groups are offered in Spanish and English.
Positive Parenting Classes - Court Approved
Women's Empowerment Group (IPAV-DV Survivors Group)
Therapeutic support group for women who have experienced abuse by an intimate partner. Offered in English and Spanish.
Anger Management Classes
This class teaches tools to understand and manage your anger in appropriate ways. Duration of classes are flexible based on court orders or your needs.
Social Anxiety Group
A process group for adults who experience social anxiety, also known as social phobia, facilitated by an Open Paths Counseling Center therapist. This is a space to support challenging and managing social fears in a safe and communal environment. These fears may include – but are not limited to – public speaking, job interviews, meeting and speaking with strangers, and dating. In this space, learn skills to manage anxiety while processing experiences of social interactions, getting feedback and support from peers who are in different stages of managing their own social anxiety.
Trans*/Non-Binary Therapeutic Group
This therapy group is an emotionally safe space for gender expansive adults to process feelings while learning strategies and tools for coping in the wider world during hostile times. While this group is open to gender expansive adults from all backgrounds, it will center those who hold intersecting marginalized identities.
To request Counseling Services, please click here.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing—or EMDR for short—is a short term intervention to treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other forms of trauma. It was pioneered by Dr. Francine Shapiro, who was a psychologist and researcher. Much research has been produced regarding its effectiveness. Today’s internationally renowned trauma expert Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D, and others, have deemed EMDR an important treatment modality when working with trauma. Open Paths uses this therapeutic modality to work with clients struggling with chronic toxic stress, discrete traumatic episodes, and/or Complex Trauma: a series of significant traumas that have accumulated without having been mitigated by protective buffers, such as a strong support network; therefore remaining unprocessed.
To request Counseling Services, please click here.

Open Paths Counseling Center’s Community Partnership Therapy Program offers culturally affirming, trauma-informed therapists to social service and educational organizations serving low-income, under-resourced communities in Los Angeles at their location, our location, or via Telehealth. Open Paths has become a preferred provider of psychotherapy for nonprofits serving marginalized, under-resourced, communities due to the diversity, quality of care, and professionalism of our clinical team.
Open Paths Counseling Center partners with Title 1 schools to provide free therapy to students in need at their school site.
Black Maternal & Postpartum Mental Health PROGRAM
Individual and/or couples counseling is available for Black parents, parents-to-be and families who are navigating life transitions around pregnancy, birth, loss and the postpartum period. To request such Counseling Services, please click here.

301 N. Prairie Avenue, Suite 510
Inglewood, CA 90301
Administration: (310) 258-9737
Fax: (310) 258-9650
©2021 Open Paths Counseling Center. All Rights Reserved.
For questions or support with your therapy services, please call (310)258-9677 or email inquiry@openpaths.org
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